Tilt The Balance

Technology Investments as a Differentiator

Technology assets multiply business value, speed-to-market and ROI

Businesses realize the importance of enabling technologies to improve business outcomes.

Technology helps you leapfrog and transform direct customer interaction, arguably the most-exciting aspect of customer engagement. It also brings in the substantial benefits realized from transforming internal processes to automate, digitize and improve performance right across the enterprise.

Assets Management

The technology-enabled solutions (built on the foundation of domain expertise for addressing multiple business situations for clients) encompass technology platforms that bring both broad and deep functionalities to support the requirements of a particular industry

With broad-based client implementations and continued investments, these industry/domain/function-specific platforms and tools have state-of-the-art application and the ability to provide immense value to different businesses

Insightful Analytics

1Insightful Analytics
Identify valuable customer patterns and insights from enterprise data to design better customer engagement strategies. Differentiate between noise and feedback with our Voice of the Customer analytics. Leverage our Contact to Close tool to empower advisors with real-time customer context (and recommendations for what to offer them) and our real-time

Channel Optimization

1Channel Optimization
Customers use multiple channels to engage with your brand. Ensure their experience on each channel is consistent by integrating the business with our omni-channel solutions. Integrate channels like chat, email, mobile, Web, and social within a single console for a complete 360-degree view picture of the customer and contextualize it with real-time/predictive analytics

Process Optimization

1Process Optimization
Improve efficiencies by leveraging our EDGE (Engineered Design for Global Excellence) methodology and advisor/contact center productivity tools. Re-energize workforce management to identify saving opportunities, optimize contacts (deflection, routing, etc.) or enhance front-/back-office productive output with robotic process automation.

It Servicies

1It Services
Leverage our IT capabilities to build customized applications and integrate them with your existing systems or to drive your digital strategy. We provide a full range of services in application development and management (ADM), outsourced product development, mobility enablement, IT and security consulting, and advanced analytics technology implementations.